Digital care coordination

Created for patients & providers.

Built on a clinical foundation and designed for enterprise readiness, our platform supports the creation of rich, complex care journeys tailored to meet each patient’s unique needs.

A healthcare professional showing something on the ipad to a patient.

Care journeys designed by healthcare providers

Effortlessly create personalized care journeys, quickly making adjustments and modifications to assess their impact on patient outcomes. 

Connective tissue across systems and people 

We bridge the gap between healthcare systems, prioritizing integration and interoperability to streamline the patient experience while focusing on meaningful care relationships. 

Validated, research-based care journeys 

Collaborate with our team of clinicians, researchers, designers, and technologists to build care journeys that aim to deliver impactful clinical outcomes. 


Our digital care coordination platform enables effortless creation and unification of care journeys to cover every stage of care.

Waitlist Management

Treatment & Monitoring Resources

Guided Response Pathways

Screening Tools

Longitudinal Surveillance Capabilities


Solutions, content, and toolkits 

Our Care Journeys empower healthcare organizations to design, build, and scale patient-centric care journeys for better outcomes.

Explore  Care Journeys

Harness patient context for informed care decisions.

Get started
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Thrive Health Grand Rounds Speaker Series Event

Falling Through the Cracks: Greg's Story

A special film screening with live QA. Discover the impactful story of Greg's healthcare journey and help shape the future of healthcare with us.